HiMAT workshop: Participant List

NOTE: due to badging requirements for accessing NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, we can no longer add people to our meeting list. Please do not invite additional attendees.

  Name Institute Attending Tour? Attending Tuesday Dinner?
1 Jawairia Ahmad University of Maryland N Y
2 Anthony Arendt University of Washington Y Y
3 David Bekaert NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Y Y
4 Kimberly Casey NASA Goddard Space Flight Center N Y
5 William Christensen Brigham Young University Y Y
6 Rob Fatland University of Washington N Y
7 Bart Forman University of Maryland N Y
8 Debjani Ghatak Johns Hopkins University N N
9 Paul Ginoux NOAA N Y
10 Charley Haley back-loop N Y
11 John Hayse Argonne National Laboratory N Y
12 Paul Houser George Mason University Y Y
13 Eric Johnson University of Utah N Y
14 Sarah Kapnick NOAA Y Y
15 Jeffrey Kargel University of Arizona N Y
16 Dalia Kirschbaum NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Y N
17 Anil Kulkarni Indian Institute of Science Y Y
18 Sujay Kumar NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Y Y
19 Kirk Lagory Argonne National Laboratory canceled canceled
20 Richard Lammers University of New Hampshire N Y
21 Bryant Loomis NASA Goddard Space Flight Center N Y
22 Scott Luthcke NASA Goddard Space Flight Center N N
23 Viviana Maggioni George Mason University N N
24 Steve Margulis University of California, Los Angeles N Y
25 Josh Maurer University of Utah N Y
26 Kyle McDonald City University of New York N Y
27 Shruti Mishra Argonne National Laboratory Y Y
28 Paul Montesano NASA Goddard Space Flight Center N Y
29 Batuhan Osmanoglu NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Y N
30 Thomas Painter NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory N Y
31 Yun Qian Pacific Northwest National Laboratory N Y
32 Fisher Qua back-loop N Y
33 Bruce Raup National Snow and Ice Data Center Y Y
34 Shane Reese Brigham Young University Y Y
35 Sasha Richey Washington State University Y Y
36 David Rounce University of Alaska Fairbanks N Y
37 Summer Rupper University of Utah N Y
38 Nancy Searby NASA HQ N Y
39 David Shean University of Washington Y Y
40 Thomas Stanley NASA Goddard Space Flight Center N Y
41 Jim Steenburgh University of Utah N Y
42 Nicholas Steiner City University of New York N Y
43 Courtney Strong University of Utah N Y
44 Marco Tedesco Columbia University N Y
45 Si-Chee Tsay NASA Goddard Space Flight Center N Y
46 Isabella Velicogna NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory N Y
47 Thomas Wagner NASA HQ N Y